The screenshots give you a first impression of the tool, nevertheless the usage can be best experienced if you download the demo version and see it live...
The assessment process is organized in four steps:
Step 1: "Prepare" - Select the processes to assess:

Step 2: "Fill In" - Answer / rate the processes:

Step 3: "Analyze" - Evaluatíon and charting

Step 4: "Reporting" - Generate Word, PowerPoint & HTML reports

Additionally the Company Solution and the Corporate Solution contain the evaluation tool SynEval.
SynEval is the tool which is used by an assessor respectively the lead assessor to analyse the results of several interviews and assessments.
In principle there are three procedures:
- Several assessments (interviews) of an assessment week are consolidated (put together)
- Multiple interviews can be categorised to groups and than analysed. The grouping can be done from several viewpoints, e.g. you can group together small, medium and big projects, or compare Host/PC/Web projects, or projects from different departments or business areas. With SynEval you will get exactly the picture which represents the way you want to see the world.
- Quite similar to 2.) you can create groups, but this time in respect to the chronological order.
E.g. you can compare your assessment results from 2006 to 2007 to 2008 etc...
The Result (of all three procedures):
- Global strengths and weaknesses can be distinguished from single highlights/lowlights.
- Charakteristics of each group can be understood.
- Trends can be identified.
SynEval consolidates thousends of numbers! Still hundreds of different charts can be displayed, but these are arranged in such a way that the (lead) assessor easily can put the relevant results together, e.g. to create a report or a paper for presentation.
The Evaluation Screen:

...and additional samples for the evaluations:

Additionally the Corporate Solution contains the tool SynEdit.
With SynEdit you can customize the MyBusinessQuest assessment tool to fit your individual needs: The processes can be edited and enhanced, the explanations can link to your company own documents and all icons and captions can be adaptet.
For additional information, licensing and availability, please contact us!